
Colleen Lynn & Charles Edward


Once upon a time, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale


Charles Edward Rayburn II


Colleen Lynn Morrissey

Walt Disney World


February 5


Once upon a time,

In a Whole New World

I was just finishing a late night floor stock shift at Disney’s Hollywood Studios when an interesting game of "Get to Know Your Castle Mates" on the Castle Connection dating site for Disney enthusiasts commenced. Intrigued, I summoned the courage to participate and messaged the group, “I am up late and ready to play!" A few minutes later, I stumbled across a freshly typed message from Colleen to one of the random questions: “I really enjoyed my Lilo and Stitch pajamas I received as a gift from my mom.” Intrigued, I reached out to ask her more. We laughed and enjoyed getting to know one another. As we continued to participate in the games over the next several weeks, we tried to spend as much time as we could together. To my utter surprise, I soon found out that I was conversing to someone across the seas in "a whole new world". Colleen expressed that she was relocating to the states, and it was in that moment I knew I wanted to be her Aladdin to show her an amazing time at Disney as soon as she arrived! From our first date, where I dazzled her with my unique edamame eating style, to whisking her away to the Happily Ever After fireworks spectacular at the Magic Kingdom, then dared her to stay longer to watch the Epcot Forever fireworks - we felt a spark growing that has catapulted us to this fairytale moment in front of the awe-inspiring Cinderella's Castle. Here is where I will lovingly become Colleen’s handsome Prince Aladdin and she, my gorgeously radiant Princess Jasmine – man and wife.

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