will probably never actually pay off his Snap-On bill,and enjoys trying different brands of top shelf vodka with sweet tea.
she’s temperamental when hungry,a total wine-o and is on first name basis with the employees at the local goodwill.
Best Man
He’s freaking hilarious,terrible at responding to text,always at work and never has a proper mixer for vodka or whiskey.
Maid of Honor
Rachell thought she was a b!tch when she first met her, secretly hates people and you can’t not laugh if she’s laughing…it’s glorious.
Shaun! You all should know Shaun,if you don’t…get ready for a good time!
Amanda is the absolute sweetest girl…until you make her mad! haha! She loves the beach, a good moonshine, animals (mainly cats and dogs) her catchphrase is,”HUH?”
Ring Bearer
let’s hope they don’t lose the rings! haha! Our youngest two boys will be the ring security.
Flower Girl
Alaina Leann will be a Jr.Bridesmaid but will be helping her sister,Kinley,throw out flowers. both have very important roles.