Black-tie optional. If you're looking for an excuse to wear a tux, this is it, otherwise, a suit & tie is just fine. For the gals, the brighter and more colorful, the better!! ps. the bridesmaids are wearing orange
While we love your little ones, our wedding is going to be a 21+ event so that everyone can relax and enjoy the evening. We appreciate you making arrangements ahead of time. If you do plan on traveling to NYC with your children, we would love to see them at the Welcome Party on Friday evening.
If your wedding invitation is addressed to you "and Guest" you are welcome to bring your partner.
As soon as possible! The link is live for you to respond here on this website. If you have already RSVP'd "Attending" but find that you will not make it, please notify Rachel (818-456-7839) or Kyle (774-266-4273) as soon as possible.