The church we're getting married in and a great place for your Saturday night or Sunday morning mass
Come see an Astros game while you're here!
Gorgeous park in Houston, rent some paddleboats and watch the swans. Right next to the zoo
Large Zoo, Zoos are found everywhere though so go see some dolphins or Nasa or something
Only for those that Love shopping... and Ice skating
Another outlet Mall - sorry guys
This is always a fun place for everyone. Shopping, sprinklers, Feeding Stingrays, eating at amazing restaurants or just having snack, cool rides, and feeding fish. Sometimes they have music events as well so be sure to check their site! Paradise Island and Kemah Boardwalk sometimes have packaged deals. Also, check groupon
Another Large shopping Mall - about the size of the galleria, no skating but not as bad traffic
Outdoor Outlet mall
Carnival usually leaves on Sundays if you want to extend your weekend by going abroad via a ship! (Or giant floating party island is what it feels like!)
Another great option for extending your weekend into next
This was part of one of our first dates. If you want to see the rainforest (Butterflies, monkeys, Leopards, Oh My!), the aquarium (sharks and penguins are the best!), the discovery center(changes all the time - basically an awesome museum) or all three, then head here! They also have an IMAX and a 4D theater as well as palm beach - great for elementary to junior high kids to have fun at a small water park.
While our beach is not of the Caribbean variety, it is clean and there are 32 miles worth of it. You probably won't be able to see your toes, but that is only because the Mississippi turns up the sand and it washes into Galveston. You can also take the Ferry to Crystal Beach.
This one is even larger - It's basically 3 waterparks in one and uses the river water. If you are flying in, consider driving 3 hours here and flying out of San Antonio. If you're looking for something else to do in San Antonio there's always the Riverwalk, the Caverns of Austin, Seaworld and floating the river!