
Taylor & Devon

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Devon Suggs


She is beautiful and sweet. The perfect bwide.

Taylor Pike


He loves Devon.

Melissa Logan

Maid of Honor

Shes the brides partner in crime since 3rd grade. Back when their biggest worries were cooties and convincing their moms to buy them Webkinz. They've always been a dynamic duo, finishing each others sentences, sharing an unspoken language and making every moment more fun for everyone around them

Orion Suggs


A very nice guy and brother of the bride. Orion and Taylor first met before Taylor moved out to Oregon to be with Devon. He is one of the most helpful people we know and is always there when you need him most.

Tori Pike


Sister of the groom! She's always dressed to impress and never afraid to speak her mind. The bride cant wait to officially call her sister and, lets be honest, to raid her closet for fashion advice

Austin Cinker


He be groomsmaning. Austin is our resident cat lover and climbing expert. Austin and Taylor first met at the App State climbing gym where they quickly became close friends. He is always ready for the next climbing adventure.

Ronnie LaBrie


She has been a close friend of the bride for nearly a decade, having first met while working together in the kitchen of a nursing home. They bonded over hating their job and being obsessed with cats. They've shared countless laughs and moments of support, which cemented their friendship as something truly special

Ben Nichols


He kinda kooky with it. Ben was the first person Taylor ever met in college during their orientation the summer before they both started. Once school began they both ended up in the same classes and social circles. It was meant to be.

Mckayla Winnicki


She's the bride’s college BFF/roommate/basically sister, who’s been by her side through everything from late-night study sessions to becoming dietitians and now wedding planning. They met their husbands around the same time during senior year, so now they get to double-date through life ♡

Fritz Finlay


A medically accurate male specimen. Fritz and Taylor met on day one in college in the dorm rooms. They were both on the same floor and very quickly hit it off from one another. The rest is history.

Rebecca Ridenhour


She and the bride bonded in college over their shared love of food and nutrition while working toward their dietetics degrees. When they’re not helping others eat well, you’ll find them dancing to their favorite songs, sipping wine, diving into deep silly conversations, and joking about how much their partners obsess over video games

Jake Sumner


A brother from another mother. Jake and Taylor met eons ago in a small fourth grade classroom. Both were troublemakers looking to annoy sisters and teachers alike. They soon bonded over a love of video games and science. A bond that still holds strong to this day.

Kierstin Davis


She's a bestie from college, where they spent more time at frat parties than they probably should have. These days, they’re more likely to be found in a yoga class, rock climbing, or hanging out with their pups. She is the kind of friend who’s always there for the bride- whether it’s to lend an ear, offer advice, or just tag along on an adventure. Please congratulate this bridesmaid because she got into PA school this year!!

Ryan Geibl


Expert of things and stuff. Ryan and Taylor met not too long ago on a field in the Poconos. They both shared a love for music, history and trivial knowledge. It didn't take long for their friendship to blossom as they tackled side quest after side quest together.

For all the days along the way
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