8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Attire: Anything goes!
We suggest making a dinner reservation in Camden around 6:30pm (suggestions under 'Local Fare') before joining us at 8pm at Blue Barren for drinks. The buses will depart from 11 Heron Lane in Friendship at 5:30pm for whoever would like transportation to and from Camden. There is plenty of parking at Lymen Morse/Blue Barren for those who plan to drive themselves. Assuming the weather is perfect (which of course it will be) the LM launch will be running from the Camden town landing across the harbor to Blue Barren.
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Attire: Dressy-Cocktail (with shoes you can walk and dance in)
Cocktail party and reception following the ceremony. Transportation: Buses will leave from the Camden Village Green (Across from the Camden Opera House) at 3:30-3:45pm to deliver guests to the ceremony on time. Buses will return from Friendship to Camden at 10pm and 11pm from 11 Heron Road.