Parking will be at 14 Market Street, where guests will be taken by Trolley to the front entrance!
Your invitation will outline who is invited to our reception. We've invited certain guests' significant others who we've known for quite a while. Children that are invited are specified on invitations as well. We would love to have kids at our wedding! If there is someone you would like included on your invitation, feel free to message one of us!
Dinner and events will be served with soft drinks only. Mock-tails and Sparkling Cider will be served throughout the night!
The wedding ceremony and reception will be inside at ART FACTORY STUDIOS. No need for rain dates!
We ask that you turn your cellphones off during the ceremony. You are free to take as many photos and videos throughout the whole reception!
Our wedding is on Columbus day, which YES is a Monday. We know a lot of people have off work for this day, so we are hoping it works for everyone as an extended Sunday!