October 5, 2019
St. Paul, Minnesota

Rachel & Adam are Getting Married!

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Where do I park?


(***NOTE: The Twin Cities Marathon has events happening Oct.4th-6th. Please, take this into consideration when planning your travel time to the wedding venue.) 1. We highly encourage carpooling. Not only for our wedding, but always. It’s better for our planet...but also, specifically for our wedding. 2. Here is a link to the general parking info from Waldmann’s website: http://waldmannbrewery.com/parking/ 3. The Salvation Army was kind enough to let us use 2 of their parking lots nearby. Please, see the Parking Lot Map page on our website for more info.


What do I wear?


Both the ceremony and reception/meal will take place on Waldmann‘s outdoor patio, which will be covered by a ginormous Oktoberfest tent. So, dress a little dressy if you’d like, but please, dress comfortably.


Are the ceremony & reception going to be indoors or outdoors?


Both the ceremony and reception will be outdoors. UPDATE: As of October 1st, all of the weather reports are predicting rain and mid 40s to upper 50s for our big day. A) Rain is good luck on your wedding day, so woo hoo!! B) Please dress comfortably & cozily. We will have the shelter of an amazing tent from the rain, but we want our guests to be comfortable temperature-wise as well. Heck, if you want to bring blankets to snuggle under, please do! Think outdoor Fall sporting event, but dryer and a little fancier. 😉


Where & what is "Waldmann"?


Educate yo’self! www.waldmannbrewery.com


What kind of food & drink will there be?


Waldmann’s Head Chef is currently working on a menu for us, so more details to come... But, whatever it is, you can be sure that it will be delicious.


Will there be assigned seating?


Yes. But, please feel free to mingle and make new friends!


What is "Hammerschlagen"?


More learning!! http://dictionary.sensagent.com/hammerschlagen/en-en/


Will there be a dance?


Will there be flashing lights and a DJ and a shiny dance floor and Beat It?? No. Will there be fun music and a small, rustic, wooden dance floor and spontaneous dancing and singing? Mayhaps.


Why are there so few material items to choose from on your registries???


Um...because...Rachel just moved in with Adam on July 1st and OHMYGOSHWEHAVESOMUCHSTUFFHOWDOWEEVENLIVEHERENOWWEHAVESOMUCHSTUFF!!! Also, we have found that making a wedding registry is kind of overwhelming and stressful. That being said, we will do our best to add a few more items to our lists in the coming weeks and months to take some of the guesswork away from you, our lovely guests. Or, you can just surprise us! Or, you can donate to our Honeymoon Fund! Or whatever! It’s all going to be all right. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE JUST FINE.


Why are you getting married so early in the morning? You crazy kids!


Because we're old.


Is there gonna be an after party?!


Not formally, but we're open to seeing where the afternoon post 3:00 p.m. takes us!


Are you going to have kids??


We’re 38! Whaddaya think?!


Why did you choose to have such a small wedding? Why didn’t you invite all of your people?


We chose to have a small wedding, because the idea of a large wedding makes us both want to crawl under a rock and hide. (Is that even possible? To hide under a rock? Maybe just a blanket.) And while, of course, we would've loved to invite ALL of our people to the actual ceremony, that would amount to probably 500 people and our venue could only accommodate up to a certain number. Which is why we are hosting a larger, Pre-Wedding Reception in July so that we can celebrate with those who will not be attending the Ceremony in October. Thank you for understanding.


Will there be an open bar?


Heeeeeelllll noooo! What do you think we are...made of money?? Each guest will receive zwei complimentary drink tickets. You’re welcome.


What is your wedding hashtag?


#pswedding If you take photos associated with any of our wedding celebrations and post them to social media, use the hashtag so we can see all of your great shots! But, please, put your phones away during the ceremony. We’ve hired an amazing photographer to take amazing photos and the last thing we want to see in our wedding album is a bunch of people taking photos with their phones and not being present with us in a beautiful moment. Thank you.

For all the days along the way
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