

Welcome to the celebration of Frank and Penny's 60th year of marriage. This is a wonderful blessing full of memories, love, support, caring, and fun that will be treasured forever. We invite you to join in the celebration first at the 60th wedding anniversary celebration on December 27, 2023 at the Montclair Art Museum in Montclair, New Jersey and at every other opportunity to celebrate throughout the year of 2024. This website will be a vehicle to inform you of new events. It will also be a way for you to share your thoughts, wishes, stories, pictures, etc of Frank and Penny's journey prior to 2023 and afterwards. Please send any materials and pictures of Frank and Penny you would like to share on the website. You can do this by clicking the link below to access the Google Drivewhich contains folders for stories, thoughts, and picture you would like to share. Frank and Penny's wonderful journey has been possible through your support! Let's continue the journey.
For all the days along the way
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