School busses will be provided to guests from the hotel to the venue, and back to the hotel after the reception. We will stagger the bus departing times from the hotel to accommodate checking in to the hotel. The first bus will depart at 3 pm, and the second at 3:15 pm. Return buses will be departing Thousand Acre Farm at 10pm.
Please RSVP by August 5th either on this website or via the post card provided in the wedding invitation
Only those listed on the invitation are invited to the wedding. We can only accommodate the guests that we have specifically listed on the invitation. In many cases, this already includes an anticipated date or "plus-one".
Yes, there is a large parking lot in front of the venue.
The ceremony will begin promptly at 4pm, directly followed by cocktail hour and the reception.
Due to limited space available, only the children involved in the ceremony will be invited to the wedding. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.