We met during Engineering courses at the University of Toledo, where we both graduated with Biomedical Engineering degrees in 2021. In 2019, Patrick asked me to dance at a bar and was rejected. Ironically, this is the same way my Grandpa and my Grandma first met (at a bar where my grandma rejected his offer to dance). Fast-forward a few months and we became close friends on an Engineering co-op in Warsaw, Indiana. A marriage pact was jokingly made between us and two other college friends one night poking fun at the fact we were all single. Patrick ranked me as his last choice in this pact due to my lack of cooking and cleaning my house on co-op! Three months later, we spent the rest of the summer working remotely as Engineers on a co-op in Winona Lake, Indiana while most of our fellow co-ops headed home due to the Pandemic. After that summer in Winona Lake, we returned to Toledo to finish our final year of school in the fall of 2020. We spent every day together as truly best friends doing homework together for our classes, taking walks around campus, going to coffee shops to study for exams, and having many movie and game nights. A trip to the infamous Glen Lake was planned for early November 2020 where Patrick and I attended with friends to hike in the fall foliage and enjoy our last year of school before we all would part ways. On Nov. 04, 2020, Patrick and I went kayaking in the middle of the night on the ice-cold lake. The next day he finally admitted to me his true feelings and we were committed to dating by the time we left Glen Arbor. Multiple moves from and around Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, 4 new jobs combined, long drives, many flights, cities explored, inside jokes, new hobbies, countless memories, family vacations, and 1 mischievous puppy later... here we are today, engaged, and ready to celebrate with you on October 12th!