First Met - April 2021 Started Dating - Jan 22th, 2022 Engaged - July 12th, 2023
We met in the Spring of 2021. We became friends in the fall as we spent time leading Cru campus events together. Toward the end of the fall, we started to spend more time together getting to know each other individually outside of cru. Many late nights at ihop playing board games with friends helped us realize how much we like to spend time together. By January, we officially started dating and over the next year and a half, went on many trips, spent time with great people and sought next steps.
After 2 major fakeouts where I was completely convinced that Colson was gonna propose, the day had finally arrived. We began to drive to Mt Falcon for a weeknight hike. For some reason I was insistent I wanted to drive that day (unknowingly messing up some carefully thought out plans) I rolled into the parking lot right next to a car that looked alarmingly similar to my roommate Hannah’s little red prius. I quickly remarked to Colson, “Wow that really looks like Hannah’s car, but it has Colorado plates” (Hannah is from California). Little did I know she had switched her license plates to throw me off! We began to hike, having our normal fast paced conversation, excitedly updating each other about what had happened since we’d last seen each other. To his credit, Colson kept his cool the entire time. We approached the ruins of an old homestead and I excitedly ran over to read a trail sign. But, behind my back Colson got down on one knee and called me over. I was shocked. He asked, I said yes, and Hannah popped out from behind a bench where she had been recording the whole thing. Overall it was perfect. It was a warm night with a beautiful sunset and such a sweet moment with just the two of us. I was/am over the moon I can't wait to marry Colson and start a life of big and small adventures together!
Hiking Skiing Time at the lake Playing board and card games (basically anything competitive) Doing ministry together Spending time with family and friends