
Pablo & Charleen







October 31, 2023

Ben Lomond, CA

Our Story

The first time Pablo and Charleen met was at their friend Claudia's art show. Unbeknownst to Charleen, Claudia had already told Pablo about her over some precursive brunch gossip. Although Charleen didn't know him, she couldn't help but notice Pablo's kind heart and the chemistry she had with him. Pablo first noticed her humor and gothic sense of style. The weekend after the art show, Claudia invited Charleen to the annual Oscar's party hosted by the Lopez family. While they enjoyed hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and some light gambling, they ended up switching seats to share a spot on the couch. Even though Pablo effortlessly won the 2020 Oscar's, both he and Charleen were captivated by something more dazzling...each other. By the end of the night, Claudia, being the exceptional wing-woman she is, had set up a chaperoned date disguised as three friends hanging out to see that year's best picture winner, Parasite. The movie was great, but Pablo's effort to invite Charleen on a first date was even better! After Pablo walked her to her car, he tried his best to articulate that he wanted to take her out, but instead, just ended up telling her that she could call him "ANYTIME". Charleen was immediately on board when he texted a few minutes later apologizing for his awkwardness and letting her know that he wanted another date with her. After their first official date, sushi and ice cream, they started getting to know each other. After their second date, Chinese breakfast in Milpitas, the two started really hitting it off. But before the 3rd date, they were sabotaged by a global pandemic! Confined to their homes, they resorted to virtual dates - cooking together through a Zoom screen, enjoying a glass of wine and chatting, and watching shows on Netflix Party. After 4 months of virtual dates, the couple ventured back into the world, going on hikes, exploring empty streets, and eating takeout dinner on sidewalks. Three and a half years later, the two have become inseparable. Every day is an adventure, whether big or small. And they know that they would not be here without their amazing friends and family. Whether in community at Gateway City Church, feasting at the family functions, slacking off in high school, dancing the nights away with FSE, soaking in the San Francisco daylight, teaching at UPA, or baking the best dang croissants at Manresa Bread, you are an inextricable part of our lives! All this has eventually led to the moment in our lives as we prepare to say "I do" to all that God has for us in our future together! Our relationship has blossomed into an unconditional and sacrificial love for each other and a pursuit to know each other more and more each day. Through the ups and downs of the past 3 years, we are blessed to say that we found each other at just the right time. Needless to say, we can't be more excited to celebrate our love and lifelong commitment with you all! We hope you enjoy our special day as we celebrate the beginning of our little life!

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