Me and Gavin met through my sister Hannah! We both went to Clarke Prep and grew up in Grove Hill. Our first date was at sonic, where we sat in Gavin's car and talked for hours. Gavin finally asked me to be his girlfriend on September 18, 2020. We attended Coastal Alabama together and then transferred to South Alabama and are both currently in the Radiology Program. I am pursuing Ultrasound and Gavin is doing Radiation Therapy! On July 8, 2023, we spent the day on the beach, then we went to the hotel to get ready for supper. Hannah, Kaylee and Gavin convinced me that the Blue Angels would be flying over Gulf Shores (which I believed and was very excited about) at 7:40. Hannah and Kaylee left to go "to the store" while I finished getting ready. Gavin and I headed down to the beach to meet them so we could "watch the Blue Angels". I finally saw the setup and realized what was happening. We didn't actually get to see a Blue Angels show but it was an amazing night that I will never forget!