Colton and Olivia want everyone to feel their FANTASY. Wear gowns, colorful suits, and elaborate costumes. Get as creative as you want.
We are not doing one! If you have family heirlooms, recipes, photographs, and things of familial sentimental value, we would LOVE THOSE! However, we are trying to save up for our first home. If you would like to contribute to our house fund, we will be setting up a way to do that shortly. The most important thing for us is that you get HERE, safely, comfortably, and prepared to have a BLAST.
Please refer to the travel tab of this website. I recommend the Bear River Casino and Scotia Lodge first and foremost as they are closer to the event.
in short YES! If you are not from here, take the whole week off! Travel the redwood coast, go inland and see some of the most pristine rivers in the United States. Try your hand at Kayaking in the bay or White Water rafting with the whole family.
You BETTER bring your kids! This is a 100% child-friendly wedding. We will be setting up a 'nap-tent' and lots of sparkly fun light-up toys for the evening. Please mind the children though, there is a RIVER at this venue.
Simply put, a LONG drive and a SHORT flight. If you want to go to Disneyland after the wedding, fly out of Arcata (ACV) to Burbank (BUR). It is about $65. Then you can fly back to wherever you came from via Bob Hope in Burbank or LAX. EASY!
Yes, for friends in the wedding party and for folks out of town we will be having a day at the river. The Rehearsal dinner will be held at Swimmer's Delight and we will cook up some BBQ.
In short, very. The pathways are mostly gravel, but there are no stairs or steep inclines. For those who can not walk distances comfortably, we will have a golf cart on the premises.
With dinner, we will be serving local wines accessible on your table. There will also be a drink trailer with three pre-made custom cocktails and two beers on tap. If you have a beer hill you are willing to die on give us feedback!
We will have many fresh, local offerings. The dinner will be family-style, so you can have a little of everything. The principal proteins are locally raised lamb and freshly caught river trout. Besides having our friends and family here, the food is ABSOLUTELY the most important thing to us. And with Chef Natalia Boyce at the helm, we will not go wrong. Check out her website at