Matron of Honor
She's the best big sister a girl could have! As my sissy since day 1, she has always been willing to lend advice and drag me out of the library to do something fun. She's definitely the coolest and wittiest Alewine! I love her lots!
Maid of Honor
From middle school to now, she's been my best friend for 12 years! Lillian and I have too many memories to count from movie marathons to eating bagels to target runs and beyond. She has the kindest spirit and I can't imagine life without her!
We've survived pharmacy school and a summer in Baltimore together! I can always count on her for a good laugh (even if we've spent the past 8 hours in the library). I am grateful for her continuous encouragement! She's the best pharm pal!
Pharmacy school is hard, but a little less hard with Alexis by your side! As my roomie for the past 2 years, she has fixed me countless meals (her lasagna is the bomb) and helped me pick out numerous outfits. She is always thoughtful, and I am lucky to have her as a friend!
We met freshmen year at our campus ministry and have been stuck together ever since! Morgan has seen me through every phase of college. She's hilarious and has a big heart! I know I could always call on Morgan if needed and she would be there ASAP with coffee in tow!
My taco eating, reality tv watching, ice coffee drinking buddy! We met sophomore year of college and quickly became pals. Caroline is the sweetest human and I couldn't ask for a more genuine friend! Basically, she's the best!
I always wanted a little sister, and I am so happy to have found that in Allie! I know I am getting the nicest and smartest sis around. She's a gem, and I can't wait for many years of Randazza fun together!
Who knew cousins could also be built-in besties?! I love being around Sidney as she is always full of joy and laughter. We never have a dull moment together! 10/10 would recommend a cousin and friend like Sid!
Best Man
This man has had the privilege to know me for the better part of 23 years. He might argue the "better part." Seriously, my father has been the most influential male role model in my life and has helped mold me into the man I am today! Honored to have this man next to me!
I am honored to share the name Andrew with this man. We freak people out with our incredibly similar wit, and I think we freak each other out sometimes too! He is a great reminder of how we should not sweat the small stuff and how to always stay positive.
Paul Brown IV is one in a million. Paul serves as the theme of many of the bros' jokes but takes it like a champ. He is one of the most loyal and caring guys I have ever had the privilege to call friend. Truist (SunTrust) is lucky to have you!
Apparently I intimidated Chip the first time we ever met, and now we are roommates. I am truly grateful I did not scare him away because we have developed a pretty sweet friendship centered around golf and messing with Paul and Michael.
I don't know if I would have got through general engineering without this man right here. Michael and I started off competing in classes to see who was superior...he won. We have become great friends and now are finishing undergrad out as roommates!
I met Thomas in August before my freshman year of college and has been one of my best friends ever since. He has seen me through every phase of my college life and lived with me three years. He introduced me to my now fiancé and will forever hold it over me that he has known Olivia longer!
Christian and I became friends through initially being roommates sophomore year and continued living together for the next two years! Christian is one of the few people with a sense of humor that can make me roll with laughter. He wants to graduate just as bad as I do!
Everyone worries that friendships won't carry over from high school but that simply was not the case with this gent right here! We shared a tent and summited Mount Kilimanjaro together! I shared several once and a lifetime experiences with this man...let's add one more!