
Olivia & Alexander

    Wedding Party
Gold Line Decoration

Wedding Party


Dog of Honor

Tuck has been Olivia's official co-pilot and best friend since December 22 2016 when she brought him home from the Walden Humane Society. He is a professional traveler having accompanied Olivia on most any major road trip she's gone on since she adopted him. (If you know Olivia you know that's a lot of miles!) They made it through college together and one might argue that Tuck was better known around Campus than Olivia. Tuck has been present for many of Olivia's most memorable moments, so it only makes sense that he be by her side.


Best Dog

Kato is the newest member of the family and has big shoes to fill! He has quickly grasped the role of "Man's best friend". Many would say that Olivia and Alex were crazy to get a puppy among job changes, moving states, and planning a wedding. However, they knew he would become an essential part of their family...everyone needs some comic relief in their life. As Alex's new best friend and Tucks greatest scholar, Kato proudly takes a spot by Alex's side on the big day.

Oscar Kimelman


Olivia's first friend, roommate, and wombmate(that means her twin brother). Olivia wasn’t easy on Oscar growing up. Some might say she was down right bossy. Nevertheless Oscar seemed to let most of her punches roll off his shoulders. If anyone knows Olivia’s buttons it’s him. He surely has some tips for Alex. Oscar is here to make sure everyone has a goodtime and hears a couple silly puns along the way.

Scott Ibbetson


Scott's claim to fame is that he let Olivia copy his 7th grade math notes. She had lost her glasses and couldn't read the board. Needless to say 16 years later he is still part of the family. Scott will likely be found on the side of the dance floor watching everyone else be a fool come wedding day.

Sydney Maynard


Sydney moved into town from Michigan when Olivia was a freshman in high school. When rumor spread that another horse girl was going to be moving in down the road Olivia was on a mission to meet her. As chance might have it they became great friends doing more non horse activities together than actually horsing around. They did everything together from movie nights, cross country ski trips, and family vacations. Sydney even drove Olivia back to college one semester after she sprang her ankle....then she convince Olivia to finally see a doctor after 2 weeks. Olivia's ankle was not sprang, it was broken and she needed surgery. Syd will most definitely have Olivia's back.

Lillian Hoefflin


Thank you University of Kentucky, Woodland Glen 2, and the Greenhouse Living Learning Program. If it weren't for these things Lillian and Olivia might not have been dorm neighbors freshman year of college. The most studious of Olivia's friends it is no shock that she was the only friend in the friend group that actually became a vet. Olivia and Lillian spent two years living together and making sure their college house had more animals than people in. Look for Lillian wherever the party is at on wedding day!

Sarah Tucker


The life of the party. Sarah and Olivia met during Olivia's sophomore year of college. Come Junior year Sarah was a member of 218B University. Sarah quickly became Princess(Olivia's cat) and Tuck's, second mom. The Tucker family as a whole made sure Olivia always had a family to spend the holidays with when getting back to NY wasn't an option. Sarah will be leading the party on wedding day and if the DJ isn't doing his job you know she'll be stealing that Aux cord.

Emily Capella


Emily is one of Alexander's closest friends and confident, oh and she is Dales wife. A force to be reckoned with Emily is here to make sure everyone is moving and partying. She isn't going to take no for an answer so just get up and dance! She is also a professional corgi wrangler.

Jean Pilus


Jean has been there for Alexander through thick and thin. She has always been available for a phone call and willing to give out honest advice. Jean is also Brian's wife and Alice's mom. As the first Pilus wife for their generation Jean set the bar high. She is a team player who will no doubt be joining the party once Alice calls it a night on wedding day.

Brian Pilus


Brian is the oldest of the Pilus brothers, Jean's husband, and Alice's dad. Alexander has always viewed Brian as the leader of their brotherly tribe. Many of Alexanders childhood memories that involve crazy stunts also involve Brian. Perhaps this is why he is now an EMT. He can still convince the guys to do stupid things but can hopefully help fix them up when the going gets tough.

Kevin Pilus


Kevin is the second born Pilus brother. He is also known as Alexanders third parent. A true dog lover he could probably be found in the corner petting the dog or sitting on the sidelines watching the chaos around him. However come wedding day we plan to get some liquid courage in those veins and push him towards the fun.

Dale Pilus


Dale is the third born and closet brother in age to Alexander. They are known to have their own language made up primarily of movie/tv lines. When Dale walks up to the microphone for speeches feel free to sit back and relax. You are guaranteed some laughs but it might take a minute. He will also be another life of the party.

Brian Abner


Brian Abner was also a resident of Woodland Glen 2 and met Olivia during her freshman year of college. During their senior year of college Brian joined 218B as the only male resident(not counting dogs, cats, bunnies, or guinea pigs). More often than not Brian could be found giving out unwanted advice, but it was always honest. He could also be found taking Tuck to various parks, Olivia is still convinced that was to get the ladies attention. When Olivia first told Alex her friend Brian from college was coming to visit NY(circa 2019), he didn't know what to expect. Once they met Alex realized Brian was exactly as described and they hit it off like old friends. Brian's honesty and caring personality made him a no brainer choice as their officiant.

Alice Pilus

Flower Girl

The real star of the show. Olivia and Alex's niece(Jean and Brian's daughter), Alice, is sure to steal your hearts with her angelic smile and never ending sass. She has been working hard and expects to be paid well for her performance on the big day. Alex and Olivia are hoping she accepts payment in the form of sweets.

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