Everyone wants to know “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN”? Bobby and I met when I joined Bridgestone America in January of 2017. He is the Section Manager of one of the tire room departments and I was working Utility Service for the same department that he managed. NO, we did not start immediately dating.!!! Since I worked for him, he made it clear that nothing could or would happen if he was my manager. Sooooo, I began looking for a new position in a different department. Guess what -- in September 2018, Bobby was no longer my manager! I sent a message through a mutual friend to remind him, now that I no longer work for him, would he be willing to talk outside of work. Wellll, the first weekend we both had off, we took advantage of the opportunity and ceased the moment. Fast forward to today, we both are looking forward to this new chapter in our life as we continue to keep God at the head of our household. With God's grace and favor, we know that this chapter will be a forever union gracefully written by Him.