Our 3rd date where we had our cozy pjs, lots of snacks, and watched Princess Diaries 1 & 2. We also deleted our dating apps immediately after this date (although let's be real ... neither one of us went on a date with anyone else after our first date)

Where Nova surprised Andrea and asked her to be her girlfriend through a Beauty and the Beast themed basket.

Our first beach date (with Jaime and Jules who spent more time in the water than we did)

Andrea surprised Nova with a Mamma Mia themed yacht date for her friend’s birthday party. Nova is obsessed with Mamma Mia.

We turn everything into a date. “Want to go with me to my eye doctor’s appointment?” “Absolutely”

Andrea meeting one of Nova’s great grandmother’s (Big Grandma) for the first time. Big Grandma then proceeded to tickle Andrea …. reason still unknown as to why she tickled Andrea.

Chocolate covered strawberries date night. Nova soon learned Andrea did not know how to dip strawberries into chocolate.

Double Date at Lincoln Park Conservatory

Our first trip outside of the country together to Canada.

A beautiful hike in Canada. We met great people & had lots of fun walking for hours and hours.

White water rafting ….. we will never do it again.

We attended our first wedding together to celebrate Andrea’s brother & sister in law getting married.

We ended up on TV for this candle making date night. A truly remarkable night.

Nova’s birthday trip to Arizona where they got to explore the Grand Canyon

Lots of fun swimming, having game nights, and karaoke in AZ

Road trip to Michigan!

Our first concert together where we mistakenly stood directly under the air conditioner. Wonderful concert, but we were FREEZING

Michigan fun!

Our first Halloween hosting a party

Promise ring era soon became planning an engagement era.

Our first Christmas tree. We spent the evening setting it up, making cookies, watching Frozen 2, and decorating.

Trip to Rockford