Mary Kate Noonan and Madeleine Boucher both grew up around Pittsburgh, just on different sides of different rivers. They met on the first day of Art History class junior year at Edinboro University outside of Doucette Hall. They fell in love over long nights in the studio, with great music, dancing and many cold beers at The Empty Keg. A couple years after they graduated, they opened up a small art studio together, MadKat Studios, in Madeleine’s hometown of Elizabeth. They now reside in their late 1800’s home with their two cats, Bedhead and Cashew. Every day they walk to their studio together and every evening they watch the sunset over the Monongahela River from their porch. They are enjoying renovating this historic house room by room. In February of 2023, five years into their relationship they became engaged in the dining room of their home.