Update: Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided to postpone our wedding. We hope you’ll save our new date — you can RSVP anytime on our site. Wishing you all health and safety, and looking forward to celebrating together!
Update: Due to COVID-19, we’ve decided to postpone our wedding. We hope you’ll save our new date — you can RSVP anytime on our site. Wishing you all health and safety, and looking forward to celebrating together!
September 5, 2020
Risingsun, OH

Michelle & Nolan

    COVID-19 Guidelines

COVID-19 Guidelines

Below is information regarding our venue's COVID-19 policy as well as our guidelines for guests.

What is your venue doing to help maintain social distancing and uphold current guidelines in Ohio?


All information regarding the venue's (Eight Leafed Clover) COVID-19 policy can be found here: https://www.eightleafedclover.com/covid-19.


Will guests be required to wear masks?


Yes, we are asking our guests to wear masks whenever they are unable to maintain a distance of 6 feet from those outside their family bubble (i.e., those they are not in regular contact with). To be safe, we ask that you wear a mask at all times, except while eating or drinking.


Will we be able to take pictures with our friends?


Yes! We want you to have a good time and capture the celebration, BUT you should be aware of the risks involved with close contact with others. You may remove masks to take pictures, but should be aware of any potential risk in doing so.


Can we view the ceremony through a livestream?


Yes! There is a Facebook group made for this specific purpose. All guests who are friends with Michelle and Nolan on Facebook should be added to this group. Please contact one of us if you are not! The venue will be running the livestream during the ceremony through a live Facebook video.


What about the reception? Can we join the reception virtually?


Yes! You will also have the opportunity to join the reception to see us have our first dance and listen to speeches. This will be done via Zoom. Zoom information will also be shared via the Facebook group.


How will guests be spaced out at tables?


We will not have any tables seated to exceed 10 people, with the majority of tables falling at 8 people or below. If you are concerned about your seating arrangement before the event, please contact Michelle or Nolan so we can try to accommodate reasonably.


How will food and drink be served?


We are doing everything we can to avoid long lines and sharing utensils. The following outlines how everything will be served. Appetizers: tables will be released one-by-one to go to the appetizer buffet, which will be served by staff from behind plexiglass. All staff will be wearing masks. Drinks: The first round of drinks will be served to the tables by venue staff. Guests will be asked to fill out an order card using the provided menus. A server will take your order cards to the bar and will return when the drinks are ready. After the first round, guests can help themselves to the bar. If there is a line at the bar, we ask that you please wait at your tables or maintain a safe distance of 6 feet from those waiting in line. Dinner: Similarly to the first round of drinks, we will have order cards at the tables for guests to indicate how many slices of each type of pizza they would like for dinner. Servers from Pisanello's Pizza will take the orders and serve the specified pizza.


Will hand sanitizer be provided at the venue?


Yes! There will be plenty of hand sanitizer available.


Can we dance?


Yes! As long as you remain 6 feet away from guests not in your family bubble, you will be able to dance!


I'm feeling a bit sick, but want to participate in the big day. What should I do?


Please stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19. We would love to have you participate from the safety of your home by watching our ceremony livestream and/or joining our virtual Zoom reception.

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