Wedding Transportation
Wedding Transportation will be provided from both Rod n Reel Resort and The Inn at Harrington Harbor. The wedding shuttle schedule is listed below!
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM - Busses load at Rod n Reel Resort with a 5:10 PM departure
5:20 PM - 5:30 PM - Busses load at The Inn at Harrington Harbor with a 5:30 PM departure
5:40 PM - Arrival at wedding site
6:00 PM - Wedding start
10:00 PM - Early shuttle departure back to The Inn at Harrington Harbor & Rod n Reel Resort
11:00 PM - All remaining shuttles depart back to the Inn at Harrington Harbor & Rod n Reel Resort
Departure times are exact!! If unable to utilize the shuttle system Herrington On The Bay allows for overnight vehicle parking.