Tell them you are booking for the Appel/Farah wedding. If booking online, include this in the "Preferences/Guest Comments" section while booking.
Tell them you are booking for the Appel/Farah wedding. Please call in order to use our room block.
House Or Rental
Tell them you are booking for the Appel/Farah wedding and they will make sure to give you a great Chatham house close to the venue and near other guests!
September 17, 2022 3:00 pm - 10:30 pm
There will be shuttles for guests staying at the Seafarer Inn and the Pleasant Bay Village to transport you to and from our venue. You may use these shuttles even if you are not staying at one of these two hotels. Shuttles will depart from both locations at 3:10, 3:30 and 3:50pm and run again from 9:30-10:30 pm.