Tara saw Nicole at the gym for the first time in 2017. She thought she was absolutely beautiful so of course, decided not to talk to her. Instead - she went and described her to the front desk and proceeded to ask them when she normally came in. The front desk told her Nicole's normal gym times and for MONTHS Tara rearranged her entire schedule to try and run into Nicole again. It didn't work out as planned so eventually Tara just went back to regular life and instead, found Nicole on instgram. Roughly a year later - on July 16, 2018 - Nicole posted a post about faith (https://www.instagram.com/p/BkvvowHlZZf/) that sparked Tara to message her and say "Hey :) I think I've seen you around at the gym before. I'm not sure how I started following you but I'm glad that I did. Your posts are always very good, your last one about God really caught my eye." Guess something about those slick moves got Nicole ! Of course, Tara waited until Nicole was hooked to tell her about the stalking ;)
Tara planned a date night for a couple months (because we're parents and it's hard!). Nicole wasn't allowed to know ANY details of the night at all. So on September 13th, Carlie picked up Z and we got all dressed up. Tara took Nicole to their favorite restaurant - 626 on Rood - for an INCREDIBLE meal. Afterwards, she said she forgot something at our house so we needed to run home really quick. We drove home and Tara left Nicole in the car, with the car running and ran inside. A couple minutes later, she came out, opened Nicole's door, leaned over and turned the car off. She walked Nicole through the house into their backyard. Tara had enlisted a couple of Nicole's close friends to transform the backyard. She walked out to candles hanging on the fence, a fire going in the firepit and a candlelit, rose petalled aisle - leading to a lit circle. In the circle was a stand with pictures of the two of them, a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Tara had to all but force Nicole to continue down the aisle into the circle. As Nicole leaned down to look at the most romantic little stand, she noticed the cups said Mrs. on them... "MRS?? Why do those say MRS?!" Then Nicole turned around to Tara on one knee. Best night of our lives.