We have secured a limited number of rooms for guests at The Edgwater Hotel. When booking your reservation, make sure to click the link below to access the discounted rate. If you would like to call, ask for the GSK081823 block rate. All rooms must be reserved by July 19, 2023.
Discount Code - GSK081823
We have secured a limited number of rooms for guests at The Concourse Hotel. When booking your reservation, make sure to click the link below to access the discounted rate. If you would like to call, ask for the 3646847 block rate. All rooms must be reserved by July 19, 2023.
Discount Code - 3646847
Dane County Airport has flights from most major airports and is just a 12 minute drive to the hotels. You may also consider flying in to General Mitchell International Airport (Milwaukee; 1 hr 20 min drive) or O'Hare International Airport (Chicago; 2 hr drive).
Travel Note
The schedule for the weekend will keep you mostly around downtown Madison. Many locations will be within walking distance and Uber/Lyft is readily available.