Here's the info you'll need in full. You can also book through this link as long as you're only staying 1 night (10/11-10/12) Important information to pass along to your guests regarding booking a room from your block: 1 The cutoff date for this block is 9/13/2024 2 If guests are staying the night(s) of the block only (OCTOBER 11, 2024), they are able to book a room using the Booking Link:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT (,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT) If they will be staying additional nights they must call the hotel directly @ (708) 429-2266 and book through our front desk. Be sure your guests use the following information to book their room over the phone Group code: 91F Block name: ZENERE/SEXTON WEDDING BLOCK ** To book directly through the hotel, please call (708) 429-2266 Rooms must be booked by 9/13/24 to ensure the discount price and shuttle! Rooms are $179 for the night. If 8 people book a room - there is a free shuttle too and from the hotel and the reception venue. The shuttle will start making trips around 45 minutes before the start time of the reception (so plan on 5-530 for the shuttle)! After the reception there will also be a shuttle back to the Hotel from the reception around 1130p.
Discount Code - 91F