Cocktail attire, please.
If your invitation says “and Guest,” then yes, if not, we would prefer if it was just you.
We love your kids, we really do. However we want our wedding to be your night off! We hope this advance notice means you will be able to share our big day with us and a night free of kids! If you do need help finding a babysitter, please let us know and we can help!
Yes! We will be offering transportation to and from the Fairfield Hotel in Plymouth. If you plan to stay elsewhere unfortunately uber and lyft are limited up here, we recommend to plan ahead with a car or taxi service, which we have provided options on our travel page.
To Owl's Nest - 3:45 pm - please be ready and outside waiting for the bus by 3:45pm, it will be departing within 5 minutes From Owl's Nest - there will be a shuttle leaving after the Reception concludes at 10:00 pm