May 28, 2022
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Chelsea & Josh



Joshua Noble


Chelsea Newmans

May 28, 2022

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

How we met

First comes school, then comes marriage

Josh and Chelsea went to the same small high school in Gainesville, but Josh was a year older and they never crossed paths more than passing in the hallway. A few years later they were both taking classes at FSU when they ran into each other at a small country bar in Tallahassee called Ken's. That night was an all-you-can-drink night and Josh famously asked Chelsea if he could buy her a drink. When she reminded him they were free, he quickly responded "exactly, can I buy you a drink"? Several free drinks later and after a little dancing, Josh put his number in Chelsea's phone as "text me when you get home" before parting ways. Chelsea did not text him when she got home, but rather decided to make him wait and texted him the following afternoon. Josh has been winning Chelsea over with this quick humor ever since although she still claims to be the funny one of the two. After a couple of dates and a little persistence from Josh, they quickly grew inseparable. They have been at each other's side ever since, and have supported each other through multiple graduations, multiple new careers, buying a house, and taking care of two fur babies, Ellie and Thor!

The Proposal

Barbados or Bust

Chelsea and Josh booked their trip to Barbados in August of 2019 with a group of friends. They then spent the next year eagerly awaiting their trip. The Covid-19 pandemic came very close to throwing a wrench in all of their plans, but they were fortunate and Barbados opened up just in time. With an abundance of caution and plenty of covid tests, they made it to Barbados. On their second full day on the island, they booked a group photo session with their friends. They took a few group photos and then split up into couples. Chelsea didn't think anything of it when they were the last couple to take photos since she ran to the bar to get a drink beforehand (when on vacation, am I right?). One of their favorite photos is right before Josh got on one knee and Chelsea's back was to him. You can see him pushing her arm and body away from his. (Now she knows it was because he was nervous and he did not want her to feel his heart beating so fast.) The photographer then told Josh to back up a few steps and Chelsea immediately knew what was about to happen. She had seen WAY too many proposal videos to not figure it out. The photographer told Chelsea to turn around and look at Josh a few times before she actually was able to. She was so excited and nervous she couldn't bring herself to do it. When she finally did, her mind went blank. It was the most magical night of her life and she could not have asked for anything better. "He done good" - Chelsea :)

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