Yes, there is limited parking. Please try to carpool or use the shuttle services. Please see travel tab for bus schedule.
Because we live in Singapore, we're still trying to figure out where to register and other logistics. Stay tuned for more details. What we want most of all is for you to be there with us on our wedding day.
Semi-Formal Dress to impress, we want you feeling your best!
We encourage dog owners to leave their dogs at home with a sitter.
We trust (and request) that all of our guests are vaccinated. If you are feeling sick the day before, please test and make a safe decision regardless of the result. Masks are welcomed.
To the best of our knowledge there is not a reliable Uber / car hailing presence in the part of the world. It might make sense to carpool with friends/family or rent a vehicle.
Zoe: Fillmore Neil: Also Fillmore
Singapore. We've lived here since January 2022.
Please feel free to email us directly! neilandzoe.oz at gmail dot com.