Kapish was mesmerized when he saw Neha's profile pop up on Dil Mil even though it said she was 3,000 miles away. Getting the match notification immediately after swiping had him so shocked he literally threw his phone across the room. After a LONG time thinking of opening lines, he landed on "Would we rather go on a double date with Jim and Pam from The Office or Rachel and Ross from Friends?". That was the last day Kapish and Neha spent on Earth without talking to one another!
After spending months designing Neha's dream ring, it all came down to the night of September 9th, 2022. Neha thought they were just going out for a date night and was a little surprised when Kapish wanted to take a walk in the opposite direction after dinner. Even more surprising was when Kapish suggested they head into an art studio. When the door opened, Neha heard a violinist playing "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton, saw the place covered in roses, and said yes to the question Kapish had been wanting to ask since first falling in love.