Back in the hizzay, we both booked the same contiki Europe tour. Next minute we locking eyes in Rome and the rest is history
For almost 1 and a half years we did the whole 'long distance' thing. By long distance, we mean 14 000kms. Although it wasn't easy, we finally moved into our first home on New Zealand soil in June 2018.
We took a trip down to Wellington to do some errands and the way back Nathan suggested a quick stop to let our gorgeous boy, George, for a walk on the beach. Rox was asleep in the car whilst Nathan hooked George up with a box on his harness. After 15 minutes of trying to get Rox out the car (we all know what she's like when she sleeps), she immediately noticed the box on George's harness. Bada-bing - Bada-boom, engaged.