Nathan & I met at First Baptist Church of Glen Este in 2011. I don't remember all of the first encounter/s detail/s very well lol. I do remember going to the college class and not knowing anyone except the person who invited me and the one friend I had made. I remember listening to worship and watching Nathan in front of the room, while he played his bass guitar. He looked like a punk rock star! According to him, he and his friend would always laugh at me and make fun of me because of some of the things I would say in class. I guess He thought I was dumb. He actually didn't talk to me, that I can remember until an event that the college class hosted, maybe it was a movie night? I remember he looked up and saw me, maybe in that moment he felt sorry for me because I broke my toe?, but he smiled! & whatever the reason was, he finally came over! I was so excited! We instantly clicked!!!! He was so sweet, so cute, and nice! I instantly fell for him, because I looked up and saw a man who loved God! Who worshiped God! Who went to church and was serving God! I wasn't perfect at the time, (still not), and yet God used Nathan to grab my attention and brought me to reality! The Lord helped me to see that I was living in sin without even realizing it at the time what He was doing. I was blind in my sin, but He showed me light through Nathan. Through Nathan I found Jesus again! Little did I know underneath that Godly man was a man that was just as imperfect and broken as I was. God used us two imperfect people, to make each other whole. To bring us to know, love and to obey Christ more. We have come a very long way! We have experienced a lot of pain and heartache together on this 10 year journey. I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm so happy that I found the one that my soul longs for! I praise God for His wonderful creation that He has blessed me with and I can't wait to marry my best friend.