
Natalie & Christopher

    LaMadrid Wedding
    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Tammy Serrato

Maid of Honor

Tammy Danae. My first bestfriend. My sister has been my bestfriend since day one. She has always been my go to person for anything and everything. Tammy is a hardworking, driven, giving, selfless and all around amazing person. She has never missed an important moment in my life and has always been my number one fan. We have been talking about our wedding days for as long as I can remember and I’m so happy to have her as my maid of honor on my big day.

Kaitlin Stroup


My sweet friend miss Kaitlin. I only wanted family in my bridal party and that’s exactly what Kaitlin is. She’s my sister. I’ve known this gorgeous girl since she was 5 years old. We became so close in college and have been inseparable ever since! She is the most honest, giving and caring person! I look back and she has been at every single birthday, graduation, sad and happy moment in my life. She is the most incredible friend and I cherish our friendship so much.

Mariah Loya


Mariah Monika. Where would I be without her today? My cousin who has been a true bestfriend. She is one of the few people that can make me belly laugh so hard to where I can’t breathe. She is an intelligent, hilarious, caring and thoughtful person. She got me through highschool and so many other things in life. Whoever put us in the same class didn’t know they were getting two Serrato’s with loud laughs. Although we live hundreds of miles away we always talk and are the only people we know who are up at 7am to talk on the phone. I love this girl more than words can ever explain.

Brianna Serrato


A gorgeous person inside and out. Bri and I have a special bond that no one could ever understand. My little cousin that has bloomed into the most gorgeous person. Who is funny, dream chasing, driven and knows exactly what she wants and gets it! Bri and I have been so close for as long as I can remember. She has always been my number one fan and I can go to her for anything. From cousin sleepovers to sonic slushee runs, to college party’s to growing up and still making time for each other. I love you tons B! MC forever.

Samantha Ancrile


The cousin I’ve always looked up to. For as long as I can remember Sam has always been a role model to me. She’s honestly part of the reason I got my Masters degree. It was truly an inspiration when I saw the proud look on my grandma Connie’s face that day. Sam is smart, the best mom, makes the yummiest cookies and just an overall super human. She is always someone I can go to for advice about everything and anything. I couldn’t imagine her not being by my side on my big day.

Andrew LaMadrid

Best Man

Andrew and I have known and grown up with each other since May 24th 1993. Since then Andrew has been a constant torment on my life. From popping my bicycle tire with a nail and hammer, to leaving my (other) bicycle outside Taco Bell to get stolen, and stealing my drivers license once I turned 21 for....well yeah. However, through all the years of competitiveness and name calling there is no one else who has been around through all of lifes ups and downs with me. I am truly lucky to have Andrew as my brother and a person who no matter what will always be by my side. We have spent many special trips together from spring training vacations, Memphis summers, and road trips to watch soccer matches. This is one more adventure that I am blessed to have Andrew by my side through.

Thomas LaMadrid


My baby brother Thomas and I are 13 years apart. When I first got my drivers license I was scared to drive him around places because I thought people would think he was my kid, now I don't have to worry about that. Though we are over a decade apart in age, Thomas and I have always been close due to our mutual love of sports, even if he doesn't understand that you should be fans of a team and not just fans of various players, total Gen Z'er! I always loved attending Thomas's soccer games and watching him grow in life throughout the years so it is very special to me that he is standing with me as I grow in this next chapter of my life.

Dan Mast


Dan and I have been best friends since Kindergarten. We grew up playing baseball, basketball, video games, and working together. I have been truly blessed to have a friend that I have had my entire life and who's family was so welcoming. Growing up I was always invited ( or I invited myself) to Mast family birthday parties, Christmas Eve dinners, and Thanksgiving celebrations. With my family across the country this was special to be able to experience "family" holidays when I otherwise wouldn't have been able too. To this day I consider Dan to be more family than just a best friend. I am blessed to be able to have someone that I have grown up with still be by my side at my wedding.

Benji Zachariah


Benji and I met freshman year of high school while on the Tracy High Basketball team together (with Dan also). Soon there after Benji would become one of my closest friends. We would spend weekends playing basketball, video games, bowling, and eating pizza in the pantry! While life (and time zones) have made talking to Benji less frequent, we can easily pick up right where we left off and not miss a beat. While Benji would usually be off somewhere traveling the world I'm honored that he'll be by my side on my big day.

Gilly Serrato


Gilly is Natalie's older brother whom I met shortly after we started dating. Well, technically we went to high school together but a couple years apart. But fast forward back to present day and Gilly and I bonded over our love of all things golf (minus LIV). These days you can find us out on the course trying to beat each other in our endless search to consistently break 80. Gilly was the first person I spoke to about marrying his sister (ironically while changing some golf grips) and his reaction left no doubt that he would be by my side at the wedding.

For all the days along the way
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