5:00 pm
We will meet everyone at the front entrance of Area 15 - Art Island at 5pm. If you plan on enjoying individual experiences, please book/prepay ahead of time otherwise you will need to at least pre-book an entry that is free to enter the facility. We will now be dining at "The Beast" https://thebeastbytoddenglish.com/ as the Illuminarium will be closing for a private event including the "Lumin" restaurant. PLEASE NOTE: all experiences and dinner will be at your OWN expense. You may visit the website for all experiences and dining options at area15.com. Feel free to reach out to either one of us if you have any questions.
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
When you arrive at Nelson Ghost Town, you’ll park either in the small parking lot in front of the large general store (you’ll see it from the road), or in the parking lot across from it, on the other side of State Route 165 (SR 165). Please ensure to arrive early/on time as the wedding will begin right at 4pm.
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
After dinner, we will uber to Gilley's inside of Treasure Island on the Las Vegas strip to continue the celebrations!