
Anthony & Larissa Gott



Larissa Ehlert


Anthony Gott

August 17, 2024

Defiance, Missouri

How we met...

First was school, Next came marriage!

This story is from Anthony's POV. I walked into my first college party. It is a house party, near campus, hosted by a college church group. I was there for some time; and I ended up standing next to a guy named Nate, and I watched a beautiful girl walk in. She was in the kitchen, so I turned around to Nate and asked, "Hey do you want a drink?" He replied 'no', so I turn back toward the kitchen. She was gone. I did not find her anywhere. I looked all over and ended up in the basement. People were everywhere. While in the basement I was approached by some girls that knew me from 4H, "Anthony you roast the best marshmallows, will you roast us one?" I felt obligated to roast them some marshmallows. So, I headed out to the fire, where there are people relaxing in chairs around it. The fire is mostly hot coals with very little flame. The area is mainly lit from a spotlight at the house; I can't really see people, only their outlines. I am talking to them as I roast the marshmallows. I talk to one of the guys and he own the house. I call him the wrong name and apologize “Sorry, I am blind.” There is a girl with him. She retorts, "Should you be so close to the fire if you are blind?” I explain that I have glasses, but they are broken. She volunteers, "Well then you should probably wear contacts." I explained how I cannot, as I struggle touching my eyes, concluding with. "I am just a big baby." Miss. Sass replies, "Sounds like it. You choose to be blind." I laugh, agree and continue to roast marshmallows. After I roast marshmallows to perfection, I give them to the girls and head back inside to find 'That Girl' from earlier. While inside I start talking to a group of older students in the kitchen. I was there for a couple minutes, when I see the pretty girl come inside from the back yard to grab her things. I ran up and introduced myself and it is the sassy fire girl. There is a guy with her, leading them out to the porch. She then stops walking with him and starts talking to me. The guy with her, I learn, is just a friend. He stood there for a bit but had to go check on something. We continue to talk on the porch for a long while; as she goes from being one of the first to leave, to one of the last. I wanted to ask for her number, but I chickened out and ended up with her Facebook instead. She begins to walk away to leave, and she turns around and asks me "Hey, how do I get to Kansas Expressway from here?" Well at this point there are ten guys on the porch, and everyone begins yelling out directions. I volunteer, "Where are you parked, I probably should head home too? You can follow me to it." She is parked right by the house, while I am parked about half a mile away at the elementary school. I sprint as fast as I can to my ford taurus and drive back to the house. I roll down my window and pull up next to her chevy cavalier. "You ready?" I ask. "Yep!" she exclaims. I swallow some fear, "Hey, I just have to tell you, you are really pretty." She very calmly replies, "Oh...  Do you want my number?" I am thankful to this day that Larissa is bad at directions. I love you, Larissa. If you would like more proof of her direction capabilities, ask her some time what "I'm in Iowa? I'm in Iowa!" means...

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