For all our east coasters, taking Amtrak or Septa to Wilmington is an easy way to travel. We recommend the quiet car. And a glass of wine.
We have a wedding block available with discounted rooms for the nights of Friday 9/6 and Saturday 9/7. Rooms in the block must be booked by August 5, 2019. To reserve call (800) 937-8461 and mention you're part of the Schatzman-Atwell wedding. *BLOCKS ARE LIMITED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BOOK A ROOM, WE ADVISE ACTING EARLY*
Travel Note
We chose this hotel because of its proximity to both the ceremony as well as the reception. It's also conveniently located around a Starbucks, salon, TACOS, and the beer garden where we plan on taking the afterparty! We have transportation arranged between this hotel and the reception.
Travel Note
For all those traveling down 476 for the wedding, please note that beginning on Friday, September 6th at 9PM, there will be significant road closures that will cause serious delays. The link above provides additional information. Please plan accordingly.