Sooooo.. as we all know B was my baby sisters preschool teach at O2B Kids. I had been there a few times to pick her up & had noticed Brandon looking good in his purple shirt lol. I guess he had noticed me too, because one of his coworkers who went to GHS with me said that he was scoping ya girl out! So on one Friday evening he BOLDLY “no shame at all” sweet & respectively asked for my number! Of course I said NO.. because I was still going thru my own situations.. he was like “oh ok understood, maybe in the future”. So I looked at geah & said let’s go... we went out the door but her little butt ran back inside & out the back door to give Mr. B a hug goodbye. I was like what th... & followed her, feeling awkward that I had just curved this dude lol... so he approached me again after seeing that geah ran back outside and said “Well well well i guess this the future huh! Let’s try this again.. may I please have your number”. With a smile and a head shake I said sure & the rest is history!