6:00 pm
To start the wedding weekend, we will host a Pizza Party on the San Michele Pool Deck & Terrace. Plan to take in the Tuscan hills while sipping on Chianti. Al says "boys, light up your cigars."
Cocktail Casual: Lightweight & comfort is key. Bring or wear your bathing suit if you are one to end up in the pool!
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Breakfast will be served in the San Michele restaurant from 8:00am - 10:30am.
5:00 pm
Our ceremony will take place at the Historical Villa. Located to the left of reception and across from San Michele.
Black Tie Optional
6:30 pm
In true Italian fashion, “l’appetito vien mangiando,” is a classic Italian saying roughly translated to “Eating [& drinking] awakens the appetite." Aperitivo will be hosted behind the Historical Villa.
Black Tie Optional
8:00 pm
Dinner will be served in front of the Historical Villa. Get ready to pass plates and clink glasses!
Black Tie Optional
9:30 pm
A little party never killed nobody!
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Breakfast will be served in the San Michele restaurant from 8:00am - 10:30am.
6:00 pm
To wrap up the weekend of our celebration, we will be hosting a BBQ dinner at the San Michele Pool Deck & Terrace. From the bottom of our hearts we cannot thank you enough for being a part of our wedding weekend. Cent 'anni!
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Breakfast will be served in the San Michele restaurant from 8:00am - 10:30am. Please be mindful check-out is at 11:00am.