Maid of Honor
Tillie is the most sweetest caring person. Mindy and Tillie bonded right away as sisters. She has always been there for Jack and Mindy and is someone they love with their whole hearts. She will be the one making sure you are having fun all night!
Stacey is Mindy’s best friend and also dating a family member. Stacey and Mindy have the best times together, usually being ridiculous and extra! She is the definition of ride or die don’t mess with Mindy around her!
Tracy is Jack’s youngest sister. Mindy is lucky to be close with her also! Tracy is just like her sister, sweetest, fun to be around. One thing is for sure they are the most welcoming people to be around. You will feel like family with her
Another amazing sister of Jack’s. Mindy is lucky to have the best sister in laws who consider each other real sisters to her. Kat will be at the center of the dance floor if you need her!
Mel is Mindy & Jack’s soon to be sister in law (even though they consider her a sister already) She is the flower girls mama.
Felicia Harrison is married to Mindy’s brother. She has been awesome at answering all of Mindy’s wedding questions!
Best Man
Vinny is Jack’s youngest brother. A proud papa of our flower girl and our adorable newborn niece. Vinny is the funniest person ever and we love him so much.
Jason is Mindy’s younger brother. He is the best dad to Mindy’s nephews. He’s a sport loving caring man. Has always been there for Mindy especially their younger days.
Melissa “aka Biggie” is another sister in law. She will have you dying of laughter all night. An awesome sweet person. We are lucky to have her be a big part of our wedding.