Maid of Honor
Kel Kuz is the coolest and best bunk mate in the world. After living with Julia for 7 years, the separation anxiety will be inevitable. She is a the classiest gal in all of DFW; bakes a MEAN chocolate chip cookie, and she certainly will show y'all who's boss on the dancefloor!!
Best Man
Alex and Michael have been best friends since 2008, which for those of you who don't do math, is a long time. Friendship with Alex means frequent out of the blue phone calls, surprise visits, and game nights at his mom's house even if Alex is not present.
Chelsey is an avid runner, sourdough aficionado, and the best friend anyone could ask for. Therapist by day, fashion icon by day also, she has expanded Julia's closet to colors beyond black and navy blue. She will fight tooth and nail for you...just don't get on her bad side by smack talking Jersey.
Brandon Magee is a childhood best friend of Michael. Don't be fooled by his tough exterior and rad Jiu Jitsu moves; his nursing degree and love for gardening are a dead give away to that soft and lovable interior. Get him and his wife Peyton together and you can expect to have a good time...and a little bit less tequila in your house.
Sweet and spunky Anna lights up any room she walks into with a smile. She is a constant influx of emotional support, hip new music, and the latest fashion trends. If you're wondering who the girl is with the charcuterie board on the beach, that my friends, is Anna Macedo.
Conan is a fella who will pack up in a small truck with friends to drive to the Grand Canyon on a whim. A great guy to have around, Conan might be seen cruising the streets in his Miata, lounging with Mr. Pickles (his adorable little pup), or solving a rubiks cube in under a minute.
Moira is the college roommate of Julia, and a tried and true red-headed, blue-eyed Irish Mexican. You can find her sticking true to her self proclaimed Irexican heritage, teaching Spanish to her sweet baby Bea Marie or walking the streets of KC's famous Irish fest. We all know that she'll be starring in a Telenovela some day.
Noel James is perhaps the most talented member of the wedding party. Noel not only shines as an elite athlete in every intramural sport, he is also a showman. Noel secretly partakes in competitive dance routines with his family and has been known to make crowds swoon with his sweet and soothing vocals.
If you are lucky enough to find yourself sitting fireside with a bottle of wine next to Bethany Hale, you can expect to laugh until you cry, fight aggressively over something you never even knew mattered to you, and look up moments later only to find it's actually 2am and it wasn't just one bottle of wine. (o-hatchisan;))
If you stay up late enough with Thomas, he would love to argue about philosophy with you over a beer or 5, and is a well known stud amongst the UD intramural athletes. Just make sure to be far away if any attempts at shotgunning beers are underway.
Audrey is responsible for Julia's unquenchable coffee addiction, illustrious collegiate track career, and passing calculus Junior year of college (no small feat). A scholar and a lady, these days you might find Audrey casually reading War and Peace, cooking up a 5 star meal out of a few measly kitchen remnants, or caring for her beautiful daughter, Eileen.
Carter is an alumni of Arkansas and has always been the culprit of what his friends call a good time and local Southlake parents call mischief. Carter is loved for his fun antics, love for sports, and the ability to peer pressure his pals into partaking in one of his adventures.
Elise is Julia's childhood best friend and swim partner back in the day. They spent their high school and early college years life guarding, teaching swim lessons, and coaching their neighborhood swim team together. Stick around Elise long enough and she will have you on the floor laughing with one of her 'blonde' moments.
Kenny is one of the quieter comrades, but rest assured, he has some zingers up his sleeve. This could have been Heisman winner and captain of Michael's recreational football league is the man you want leading you. He may not guide you to victory on the football field, but he sure does know where to find a great rave or yummy Asian food.
Cousin of the bride, Isabel has long endured the torment of the Ringel/McCoy boys alongside Julia. With thick skin and an eye for style, Isabel has forged the way for Ringel women to be able to wear jumpsuits, infinity scarves, and vests indoors (if you know you know). Able to plan your wedding, your parties, and maybe even your life, Isabel the cousin every girl dreams about.
Grayson is the organizer: always making sure to get everyone together by way of a thorough Google Poll. The now native Hawaiian can be seen supporting local coffee shops or taking long walks on the beach. If you know someone who can safely and quickly smuggle a massive dog to Hawaii and back, contact Grayson; Finny does not like flying.
Marie Bremar (formerly DiLucca) and Julia are just one link in the long chain of Ringel-DiLucca UD roommates. History has repeated itself and proven that Ringel's and DiLucca's were destined to be friends for life. Marie now spends her days as supermom, partaking in bookclubs, online college courses, and being the most amazing role model to her friends.
Austin, more affectionately known as Hunt, caught Michael's bullpens in college, and slept with the spiders on Michael's couch through most of their undergrad. If you need a Texas History lesson or to hone your amateur athletic skills, this teacher of the year has you covered.
Becca is the current sister-in-law of the bride, soon to be sister-in-law of the bride, and sister of the groom. If you're wondering... it's not weird. Becca is the most wonderful friend and a rockstar mom to three beautiful babies. Becca shares Julia's love for sourdough baking and the inability to stop making chocolate chip cookies on a weekly basis.
David is the most fun loving and friendly guy you will ever meet. Following closely in the footsteps of his father, David is quite the adventurous socialite. Even with Dave's busy schedule of intramural volleyball, Stars games, or out of town weddings, he finds time to lend his truck to Julia when her car breaks down or she's moving....again.