Family vineyard trip a couple of weeks before our engagement.
This was our first picture together a few days after we met at the 2013 College Conference at Antiochian Village!
This was our first Cleveland Cavaliers game together!
We love good bubble tea!
Our second college conference together!
This was the first year of our best -friendship :) We spent the week at Antiochian Villae for Special Olympics!
One of our most memorable Michigan dinner experiences!
Second-year of our friendship - St. Mary's cultural festival - Michael was Spiderman!
We found more good food in Portland, Oregon!
More wedding fun!!
My Y.E.S. leadership training while Michael helped lead this trip in Pittsburgh, Pennsyvlania! 2015
Cleveland Cavs Championship parade!! 2016
Welcoming Jayden Qaqish (nephew) for the first time! 2016
Our first college conference! 2013
National Parish Life Conference in Boston, MA!
2019 New Years celebration!
The best time in a camper-vs-counselor tournament at Camp Catanese!! 2018
Our white coat ceremonies! 2018