
Michaela & Sheldon

    Wedding Party

We are getting married! Join us as we become one. #ToHaveAndToTurner


Michaela Bessant


Sheldon Turner

June 14, 2024

Myrtle Beach, SC

Tale of the Turners

As a new law student away from home, Michaela was in search for a church family to worship. One Sunday she decided to visit Renaissance COGIC to see if this was where she would be led to worship with. She would later visit again to meet the then Pastor, the late Bishop Dennis J. McMurray. Sheldon had been playing at Renaissance for a few years and was close with the 1st family. During this visit, Bishop McMurray asked him to sing “It’s Turning Around for Me”. Upon hearing his voice, but not seeing the face, Michaela was intrigued by the tone and had to find this MAN! Encouraged by her friend, she did just that and to her surprise he was very pleasant on the eyes. After service, Sheldon saw Michaela as she made her way out the front side door. He did a double take, smiled, spoke to her, and made his way out the door. A few weeks later Michaela joined the praise team at Renaissance and this commenced their interactions. One Sunday morning Michaela had to lead worship and her nerves were getting the best of her. Before walking before the audience, she turned to Sheldon and said “Please let me know when to come in. I’m really nervous”. Sheldon replied, “Don’t worry, I got you”. This began their friendship that turned into more. Sheldon guided Michaela into the song and she ministered well. Afterwards he looked at her, smiled, and said “great job, you did really great”. Later they became Facebook friends and talked through messenger in an effort to get to know each other better. They had many things in common to include their love for scary movies and being a “foodie”. This definitely peaked his interest. Their first “date” was to see the latest scary movie “It II”. Sheldon could not believe Michaela’s fascination of Scary movies. Sheldon spoke so highly of Michaela to his friends. One told him that she was out of his league and he was not “getting her”. The friend’s caution caused Sheldon to become a little hesitant and he decided to “play it safe” for a while. However, the more time they spent together the more they enjoyed each other’s company. Sheldon and Michaela formed a friendship that is filled with laughs, food, music and movies. From movie dates to a P.J. Morton concert, the two became closer and saw that there could be more than just a friendship. During the transitions of new employment in the music ministry and the rigorous work load of finishing law school, they were still able to find the joys of life. Michaela knew that her schedule would not allow them as much time as they would like but Sheldon reassured her that he wasn’t going anywhere and showed up when she had breaks. One day Sheldon expressed to Bishop McMurray how he felt about Michaela and his intentions for their future. Bishop told him to make sure he was really ready and to do it the right way. This led Sheldon to making life changes and searching for the “perfect ring”. Once Sheldon knew this was really what he wanted to do, he talked with his Granny and Pastor Moore, and later made the decision to call Mr. Simmie, Michaela’s dad. That night he expressed his feelings for Michaela and his intentions to marry her. Mr. Simmie gave his blessing and told him “that’s our daughter, be sure you will take care of her”. This conversation made the search for the perfect ring even greater. Sheldon released his first album that was co-written and co-produced through the Mt. Zion Baptist Church Ministry as the Performing Arts Director. March 10, 2023, during the album release concert, Sheldon asked a life changing question to his best friend. He got down on one knee in front of everyone at the concert and asked Michaela to be his wife. Michaela said yes with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. As she was showing off her ring the band began to play her favorite P.J. Morton song, “Yearning For Your Love”, making the moment even better! Sheldon kept his words “I got you” all this time and continues to be Michaela’s Superman.

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