Yes, you will need a passport to travel to our wedding.
The room block and special rate expired and are now closed. If you would still like to attend, please reach out to Mia or Sam.
We highly recommend booking before the cutoff date. This will ensure our special rate and guarantee room availability. However, if you need additional time, please reach out to our team at Paradise Weddings. They will be able to check updated rates and availability for you. They can be contacted via the link on the "Travel" page.
Ideally we would love to have all of our guests stay together at the resort during the wedding celebration. If you decide to stay elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible as we will need to coordinate day-passes for you to attend our events.
Welcome Dinner - Dinner Date Attire. Something you would wear to a nice dinner on the water. This event will be on the sand, so keep footwear in mind - bare feet encouraged! Wedding Day - Beach-Formal with a Sunset Chic theme! Pull inspiration from the colors of the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen - moody pinks and purples, deep oranges, greens, and blues. Guys, consider wearing a summer suit with a linen shirt, linen pants.
Of course we would love for all our guests to attend our events, but it is not mandatory. We completely understand If you'd like to spend some personal time during your vacation.