We have a block of rooms set aside for our wedding guests at this location. This hotel is on the affordable end and is a perfectly lovely place to stay. When calling the hotel, let them know you are with the Sanchez/Park wedding block. As of right now, we have a number of single king and double queen bed rooms reserved.
This is where we are getting married! It is a grand and lovely place but it is on the higher end in terms of cost. We are pretty sure, however, that you will have a lovely time, eat good food and have us around all weekend! We'd love to pack the place with our guests!
The DeSoto House is a historic hotel in the middle of downtown Galena. The oldest working hotel in Illinois, its corridors witnessed the Civil War and housed Union General Ulysses S. Grant, as well as Abraham Lincoln.
This is a quaint and lovely place to stay with an Irish Pub downstairs. Easy to find as it is right on the main highway into town. Also a quirky nod to Melissa's Irish heritage!
Chestnut Mountain is a ski resort open year round in Galena. Although skiing will not be an option during your visit, it is close to our wedding venue and has equally stunning views of the Mississippi River Valley. Rooms are mid-range in terms of cost.
Reliable and an easy place to stay.
Here is a link to research local Bed & Breakfast establishments at a wide range of cost.
Travel Note
Since our celebration is the countryside of Galena, we would like our guests to have back up plans in the event a grand ole time is had by all! Winding roads and no street lights don't always mix.
Travel Note
Another local cab company.