Lisbon is 5 hours ahead of Easter Standard Time. When you travel to Lisbon, you will likely arrive the next day, but arrive the same day when you travel home.
It takes approximately 7 hours to fly from New York to Lisbon. Total flight time will depend on where you fly from and the layover length. We highly recommend flying to New York first for the most efficient flight time (round trips from there are as low as $425). Flight prices vary however you can expect to spend about $500-800 USD round trip. We will be sending out flight alerts when prices drop so you can get the best deal. We will be monitoring Scott's Cheap Fights, and suggest you do the same!
Portugal uses the Euro. You can google daily conversion rate, however most recently, 1 Euro = about 1.1 USD.
The Hotel Real Oeiras is less than 5 mins from the venue. It is a four star hotel and nightly cost for a double room is about 65-80 USD per night. We recommend this for the night of the wedding. You will likely want to stay in the heart of the city while sightseeing if you choose to stay in country for additional time.
We recommend staying in country for at least 4-5 nights, however there are an endless amount of sights to see, not only in Lisbon, but in various other cities in Portugal as well. You could easily spend 1-2 weeks or more if you choose!
The weather in May will be warm. Lisbon has very favorable weather with about 300 days of sunshine per year. Expect temperatures at least 70 degrees.