Departs JAX at 12:19 pm on 4/5 and arrives at DFW at 2:00 pm. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs JAX at 4:30 pm on 4/5 and arrives in DFW at 6:10 pm. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs JAX at 7:54 am on 4/6 and arrives at DFW at 9:35 am. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs JAX at 12:19 pm on 4/6 and arrives in DFW at 2:00 pm. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs IAD at 12:35 pm on 4/5 and arrives in DFW at 2:50 pm. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs IAD at 8:30 am on 4/6 and arrives in DFW at 10:37 am. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
Departs DCA at 9:15 am on 4/6 and arrives DFW at 11:40 am. DFW is about 20 minutes from the hotel and events.
We have reserved a hotel block for the wedding. Please follow the link or call and ask for more information for booking with the code 91Y.