4:00 pm
How to attend the virtual wedding through Zoom: Step 1: Download the Zoom App (on your phone, tablet, or computer) For Computer Users: Step 2: Copy the below link into a separate browser: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79532450992?pwd=TFJwTEVWMEllSmJxOEJRU1kxVDk0Zz09 Step 3: A pop up will appear, click "Open Zoom Meeting" Step 4: Join the meeting! Meeting ID: 795 3245 0992 Passcode: MV626 For Tablet & Phone Users: Step 2: Click "Join a Meeting" or "Join" Step 3: Enter Meeting ID: 795 3245 0992 and click join. Passcode: MV626 *We are so excited you can join us virtually! We anticipate the ceremony will start after 4:15pm once all in-person guests arrive and are seated. Until then, you will see a message that you are in a virtual waiting room until the host starts the meeting. Once the broadcast starts, all guests will be on mute for the ceremony. We will also be recording the ceremony for those who can't make it.
4:15 pm