Dressy Casual
We request that you don't wear White, Green, or Gold. These are the colors of the wedding party.
Yes. We don't believe that children should be excluded because of the energy that God has given them. However, if you want to use the opportunity as a kid-free date night by leaving the kiddos at home, you are more than welcome to.
A formal dinner and alcoholic beverages will NOT be served. However, light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres, including vegan options, will be provided at the reception.
Yes. However, we ask that you be discreet and respectful during the ceremony (i.e. please silence them, do not use flash, and do not obstruct the view of others). Please keep in mind we are hiring a professional photographer who will ensure that our special moments are captured.
Unless your invitation indicates the option, please DO NOT bring a plus-one. This will ensure our wishes of a small and intimate celebration.
If we do not receive your RSVP by the deadline, we will assume that you aren't able to attend and your absence will have been planned for.
Contact the Bride, Allison, via text with additional questions. Please include your name in the first line of the text to ensure that it is not overlooked. (352) 551-4255