Although we both attended Overton High School since our Freshman year, we didn't actually meet until our Junior year. As crazy as it seems, we only recently realized we had been in some of the same classes the whole time! We were friends for nearly a year before we decided to make it official on September, 20, 2010 and we've pretty much been inseparable ever since. We moved to Nashville and Murfreesboro for College and high school sweethearts became College sweethearts. While we currently live in Nashville, Memphis will always be home, and where it all began!
On November 2, 2019 I managed to distract Brielle by telling her I wanted to go house hunting. Little did she know, I had invited our families from Memphis and some of her closest friends from Nashville to arrange beautiful balloons, flowers, food and signs that read, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" When we returned, everyone was there to surprise her and I popped the question! We are elated to share the next chapter of our story with you! See you in April!