Discount link for hotel rooms specific to the Griep-Cross Wedding provided. Please click on "View" to book room directly from the linked webpage. Hotel price range: $500 +. Ocean/beach front property.
House Or Rental
For more economical housing options, we recommend looking for an Airbnb in "Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA". Pacific Beach is a very walkable area with a lot of restaurants, shops, bars and more.
June 11, 2023 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
We will not have a shuttle to the venue. We recommend a Lyft or Uber (as we will have a shuttle bringing people from the venue to pacific beach once the wedding venue has closed). If you are driving we can obtain a parking pass for you, please notify Matt or Carrie personally asap.
June 11, 2023 10:00 pm - 10:30 pm
We have reserved a shuttle to bring guests from the wedding venue to Mavericks, in Pacific Beach. So please join us to continue celebrating once the wedding venue has closed.
Guests can fly directly into San Diego International Airport. Guests can rent a car (from various car rental options) or use a Ride Share app (Uber, Lyft...etc). The airport is 15 mins from Pacific Beach and 12 mins from Mission Valley/central San Diego.